Almost Summer Time? Wondering what condition your Swimming Pool is in?

Book a pre-season service today!

Get in early and arrange a once-off, pre-season swimming pool service and assessment. Typically available till late October, this unique service is specifically designed to prepare your pool for the summer season, address anything needing attention right now, and highlight potential issues.

We take the time to give your pool a good once-over. Checking everything from pool chemistry to pool equipment, and everything in between.


  • Pool chemistry
  • Pumps
  • Baskets
  • Visial leaks
  • Chlorinators
  • Sanitisers
  • Lights
  • Filters
  • Cleaners
  • Heaters
  • and more


Please be aware this service is limited by reasonable accessibility. For example, we do not climb on rooves.

We do not service the pool or equipment. Meaning we are not there to clean filters, backwash, vacuum, empty baskets, de-scale chlorinator cells, etc. Those services are part of our regular servicing agreement.


The fee for this service is only $180. This includes callout, all testing equipment, and time on site. Chemicals required for balancing are not included. Any products, parts, or additional servicing are not included.


This service is only available for as long as we can squeeze you in. Once the season is in full swing, we may not be able to facilitate this service for you.

Although we do a thorough job, there is no guarantee we will find all potential issues. For example, a worn internal pump part, often can't be detected until it breaks.


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