Every year customers come into the pool shop with pumps that have seized or filters that have cracked all because preventative care wasn't taken prior.

Similar to a car a regular service is required to maintain proper working order and in some cases, not void warranties. Every year you should have a qualified Pool Technician inspect your equipment and provide a report so that you have peace of mind and can plan for any nasty surprises that may arise in the future.

Yearly Checkups

With our Yearly Equipment Checkup, our Pool Technicians looks at your entire system for any wear and tear or problems that may need to be addressed in the near future. While on-site they can adjust any settings for the specific season.

Once complete a report will be provided for your future reference. The perfect time to be doing your yearly equipment assessment is either just before Winter around April/May, where the equipment has been on a relatively active cycle over Summer and is in need of a checkup and settings adjustment, or just before the season kicks off in August/September.

Once Off Reviews

With the Once Off Equipment Review, our Pool Technicians go thoroughly through your system documenting the equipment age, wear status and value, along with any serial numbers and full images and diagrams. Once complete a report is provided for your record keeping.

The Once Off Equipment Review is perfect if you are looking at purchasing a property and are in the final stages of negotiations, have just bought a property or never had a review, or require it for your insurance such as with a rental property.


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